Authorized UI Signatures, Contract, and Payment Information

Contracts and agreements between the University and others must be signed by employees of the University to whom signature authority has been expressly delegated.

Controller's Entrepreneurial Questionnaire (UBIT)

Unrelated business income analysis can be complicated and require significant review of specific facts to properly determine whether or not an activity is generating revenue that is subject to unrelated business income tax (UBIT). Please complete the

Controller’s Entrepreneurial Questionnaire as a first step so that we may determine if you are engaged in a UBI-generating activity.

Cost Rates

Dun and Bradstreet Number

The University of Iowa’s "DUNS NUMBER" is 06-276-1671.  The Duns Number is short for Data Universal Numbering System, a nine digit number offered by Dun & Bradstreet to identify companies and provide easy reference for entities looking for information about those companies.  A Duns Number is used when we submit a grant application to the federal government.  It is also used by other businesses, vendors and investors who may want to partner with us.  They will use our Duns Number to find out more about our institution, including our assets, relationships with other companies and history of bill payment.

Incoming Electronic Payments

Wire transfers and Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments are two methods of electronic payment that can be used when third-parties are paying the University of Iowa for goods or services.

Tax-Related Information

Use of the University's tax identification number and/or the use of the name “University of Iowa” is limited to accounts expressly authorized by the Board of Regents. Legal rights to the use of the name “University of Iowa” have been granted by the Board of Regents, but have been limited to certain affiliated organizations including the University of Iowa Foundation and the University of Iowa Alumni Association.