Computer Inventory and Internal Control Policy


To provide guidance regarding types of internal controls departments should implement to ensure proper procurement and safeguarding of equipment covered by this policy. Departments may fine-tune policies and procedures to meet their own operating guidelines, but this document should provide baseline or minimum expectations to the tracking of these assets.

Equipment Covered by This Policy

Computers (desktops and laptops) and printers.


  1. Every VP or collegiate unit is responsible for establishing internal controls and procedures for procuring goods, services and equipment necessary to perform the business operations of the unit. Strong internal controls are dependent upon proper segregation of duties over the procurement and deployment of purchased goods and services.
  2. Each VP or collegiate unit shall develop a methodology, or methodologies if it varies across the organization, to track equipment covered by this policy from the point it is requisitioned to the point it is deployed to a faculty/ staff member / students for on-going use or is assigned to a staff member with oversight responsibility while it is in inventory or in a computer cluster (e.g.: IT classroom).
    At a minimum, the following information will be recorded: date of acquisition, description of equipment, serial number, employee responsible for the device, and location where equipment is installed or deployed.
  3. All equipment covered by this policy should be procured through the University's campus-wide vendor contracts including direct purchases through the University Bookstore. If an item is purchased via direct reimbursement to an employee then the department should attach to the reimbursement request an explanation of why it was critical to procure the item in this manner.
  4. Each VP or collegiate unit can determine how this policy is administered. For example, each unit may delegate this responsibility to other operating units within the organization, like department or sub-department, as long as this delegation is clearly communicated and there is periodic verification that this documentation requirement is being met.
  5. Equipment should be disposed of through UI Surplus in accordance with University policy. (Please refer to Policy Manual policy Part V, Chapter 12, Section 5.b., found at

Policy Effective Date: May 22, 2012