FSC Application & Instructions

Financial Sub-certification Application (https://finapps.bo.uiowa.edu/subcertification).  Log into Self Service to access the official Annual FSC which should be completed and approved by all  required certifiers. 

Steps for Completion

  1. Initiator completes the form by answering all questions and adding additional information in the comments box as required.  Form can be initiated by the Business Officer or a designee.
  2. Business Officer will approve the form (required to approve even if he/she is the initiator).
  3. Business Officer will ensure that all approvers (required certifiers & optional certifiers) are included in the Projected Future Routing or will ad-hoc necessary approvers and define the signature permission for ad-hoc approvers (required, permitted, view only, etc.).
  4. Subsequent approvers may edit the form.
  5. Controller’s Office will be the final approval after reviewing for completion and required certifiers.
  6. FSC will be marked “complete” for the fiscal year.
  7. Notifications will be sent to all approvers.

Financial Sub-certification Questions (PDF document).  View all 10 FSC questions & possible responses in this pdf document.